camping & travel

Camping with kids: Our tips for an unforgettable adventure

Camping with kids: Our tips for an unforgettable adventure

Guest author: Astrid Biemann

Cool, damp autumn days conjure many images – hot chocolate, hand-knit socks, a crackling fire in the fireplace…but not camping with kids?! Steffka and Leo from the female explorer were also skeptical at first. How could camping in cool weather work with little wild things who are drawn to puddles as if by magic and have never seen a tree they didn’t want to climb? One thing I can already tell you: They would all do it again in a heartbeat.

The preparations, part 1: Choosing the right campsite

Before you can get started, there’s an important decision to be made: Where exactly should you go? From five-star luxury to completely untouched nature, you can find any kind of campsite your outdoor heart desires.

Wild camping is not permitted in most European countries, or at least there are restrictions. In Scandinavia or Scotland, you’re allowed to camp with a tent almost anywhere. In Switzerland, it varies from canton to canton. In Italy, it’s completely forbidden. Whether in Europe or another part of the world, to be on the safe side, it’s best to inform yourself online in advance about local regulations. Or you can look for a campsite that is very close to nature so that feeling of true adventure in the wilderness is built in.

Three children in colorful namuk outfits in the forest

Steffka and Leo selected their nature experience via Nomady. It lists many very natural campsites, some with composting toilets and firepits. Back to nature? Absolutely! For our children, this campsite was better than any playground. In the midst of the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) in Germany, it was set along a rushing river and surrounded by pine forest. It was almost as if Ronja the Robber’s Daughter would suddenly pop out from behind a tree or the Robber Hotzenplotz with be lurking with his pepper pistol, to name a couple of beloved, wild, classic storybook characters.

The preparations, part 2: What do I need to take when camping with children?

„Only the essentials“ always equates with a completely packed car when traveling with kids! Especially when you’re talking about camping, only a toothbrush and change of clothes for the kids will not do – let alone when there’s water nearby! For that, you need options and, ideally, fast-drying clothing.

That’s because camping in autumn also means that during the day, kids can get sweaty while playing, but in the evening and at night, it can get quite cold. And what if it also rains? Then it’s even more important to have plenty of clothing, and even better if the clothes can easily be worn one on top of the other. Layering is the magic word! Try sweatshirts or fleece jackets that provide warmth, then a wind- and waterproof jacket, warm socks, and robust pants and shoes – with that gear, you’ll be well equipped for any weather.

Two children playing tag in a meadow

A real camping trip also requires sleeping bags and insulating mats, sufficient provisions, flashlights, and so on…. Melanie put together a packing list for you here with all the important equipment. She is an absolute pro and has gathered an abundance of experience camping with her daughter.

When nature is your living room

A five-star hotel with a luxurious breakfast is nice. But a hunk of bread with cheese simply tastes twice as good when you can eat it on a picnic blanket with an unimpeded view of nature. And the best part: No one needs to sit still! Just get a quick bite in your mouth and then run off to watch the squirrel that’s about to scamper up a tree. What could be better?

In the evening, at the end of a long day, anyone can sit in front of a TV. But the crackling flames of a campfire are much more exciting! Add a couple of knives for woodcarving to your packing list, and then you can find sticks during the day to wrap with strips of pizza or bread dough to bake over the fire. It’s lots of fun and helps kids slow down and relax when they need a break from climbing and playing.

Children make stick bread and halloumi vegetable skewers and sausages over the fire

Besides the bread dough, Steffka and Leo packed some halloumi-and-vegetable skewers and sausages because these tidbits are also wonderful for grilling over the fire. This way, the kids can make their own dinner, easy-peasy, and it tastes twice as good. Who needs a fancy buffet?

Camping with kids: So the adventure begins

A night in a tent – for kids, it’s the ultimate adventure. And somehow it’s also much more than that. They learn to do without many things that everyone takes for granted at home. And they learn that they can get by just fine without many things – without a refrigerator, without a flushing toilet, without all the frills. And suddenly it doesn’t feel like a sacrifice anymore, but like the best feeling in the world, when you manage to do it all together – to get the fire blazing, or to whittle the stick so long that it’s as sharp as an arrow. That makes kids proud and unbelievably content. And you take a little bit of that feeling from your trip home with you into your daily life. So, what are you waiting for? Get camping with the kids!

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