buying guide

Why a single Transitional Jacket is all you need all Year round

Why a single Transitional Jacket is all you need all Year round

Guest author: Astrid Biemann

Who hasn’t got cluttered coat hooks in their hallway? Thick winter coats, snowsuits, fleece jackets, raincoats, softshell jackets, lined and unlined... and you were hoping for a minimalist home? No chance. Okay, to be fair, this is a real challenge when you have children. But maybe there’s an easier way?

You can cut down on that unsightly pile of jackets in your hallway and closets with a simple trick: have just one Transitional Jacket for children. One that works all year round, in the right combination. Well, maybe it can stay in the wardrobe in the sweltering summer heat. But for the rest of the year, it’s the only one you’ll need.

Two children are climbing over rocks in the Verzasca Valley

Warm doesn’t have to mean thick

I remember those frosty winter days when I was a kid. I was wrapped up in so many layers that I could hardly move. Tights, thick socks, shirt, sweater, snow pants, and not forgetting that classic children’s down jacket on top of it all. Plus hat, scarf, and gloves of course. The only part of me you could see were my eyes! I ended up looking like the Michelin Man…

Once spring arrives, that thick down jacket soon gets too warm. Kids get sweaty in them, and before you know it, the coat ends up on the floor. But it’s still far too cold to play outside without a coat! There’s got to be a solution, right?

Girl with a camera stands in the forest and looks around

Well, that’s what our product team thought, and so they got to work. Turns out there is a better way. We’ve discovered a material that keeps the cold and wind locked out, without getting in the way of your little adventure-owls. The ultra-light PrimaLoft® Bio™ lining is made from 100% recycled fibers, so your kids have more freedom of movement and feel less like they’re wrapped up in cotton wool.

PrimaLoft® vs. Down: the secret’s out!

For our insulated Jackets, we have found a material that really has met all of our (admittedly really high) expectations. Thanks to PrimaLoft® Bio™, our jackets are:

  • breathable
  • insulating
  • water-repellent
  • ultra-compact, folding up almost like a sweater
Two girls hold hands and walk through nature

Warm enough for when those icy winds are blowing. But if it gets too warm, you can pack it into your backpack in no time. Think it might be sweaty? Forget about it. Moisture is drawn directly away from the skin thanks to the excellent air circulation. The synthetic fill retains its insulating power even when wet, dries fast, and is much easier to care for than down.

With namuk Insulation Jackets, your little adventurers will be kept warm and well protected – with maximum freedom of movement for jumping over puddles and climbing up trees. In winter, they can run around freely without being wrapped up too tight, and in spring, they can play outside without getting sweaty.

Two children laugh together outdoors in nature

Here’s how it works: With the Transitional Jackets for children, it’s all about the combination

Getting the combination right is so important to making sure the Transitional Jacket for children really works all year round. The trick is to go for the onion look!

A breathable base layer, such as a long-sleeved shirt made of merino wool, provides cozy comfort and a cuddly feel on the skin. On top of that, the PrimaLoft Jacket serves as a warming mid-layer that insulates and protects against the cold – completing the perfect outfit for spring or fall. Depending on whether it’s warmer or colder, you can always leave out a layer or add an extra one.

Is it particularly wet? Then add a windproof and waterproof layer on top, such as our three-layer Turas, which truly keeps all winter weather out.

Three children stand side by side with their backpacks

Make it even more practical by attaching all the layers together using the zip-in system. This keeps everything in place and turns the Transitional Jacket for children into a proper winter coat in no time at all.

One for all: the Insulation Jacket for spring, fall, and winter

See, those coat hooks are looking less cluttered already! With our Transitional Jackets for children, you just need the one jacket hanging up all year round. Simply add or remove layers depending on the season. Goodbye Michelin Man, goodbye quick sweating or freezing. Hello lightness, hello adventure!

Three children balance on a stone wall near a lighthouse

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