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A Letter to my Daughter – from Nino Schurter

A Letter to my Daughter – from Nino Schurter

Written by Nino Schurter

Dear Lisa,

Thank you for being adventurous and open to discovering nature and different sports with me.

I love to spend time with you outdoors, showing you the beautiful hidden spots and discovering new ones together.

Nino Schurter on the ski lift with daughter Lisa

I show you the sports I love, and it keeps me going.

Nino Schurter gives daughter Lisa a high-five on the bike

Thank you for showing me what really counts in life. It’s the time together on small and big adventures that fills our hearts. It’s the stories we have to tell afterwards that are important.

Thank you for telling me I should put my phone aside, be a good example, and play with you.

Thank you for being the best daughter.

Your Father, Nino

Nino Schurter and daughter Lisa

Photos Credit: Instagram @nschurter

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