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A Letter to my Daughter – from Sascha Muoth

A Letter to my Daughter – from Sascha Muoth

Written by Sascha Muoth

Dear Zoey,

When you came into this world, you faced a tough start. But despite it all, you're growing into such a brave, adventurous and confident girl who leaves nothing unexplored. You'd never guess the rough beginning you had.

Exploring nature and the world with you brings out my inner child and reminds me of how little we truly need to be happy – Often it's about setting aside our worries and seeing the world through a child's eyes once again.

"Dad, when are we going snowboarding again?"

It's been incredible to wander through countless mountains, forests, lakes and rivers with you, experiencing the beauty of nature. It's the greatest gift I could have ever imagined. Watching you quickly pick up new skills like fearlessly standing on a snowboard or skateboard with a radiant smile asking, "Dad, when are we going snowboarding again?" has filled my heart with joy.

People often think that slowing down because of a child is a bad thing when in reality, it allows you to fully embrace the here and now and be in the present moment rather than thinking 10 steps ahead.

Never stop being curious

Even when we hiked through mountains and valleys with you as a little baby, we could tell how much you loved being outdoors. It was in these moments that we promised ourselves we'd never stop being curious and exploring with you.

Thank you for giving me so many beautiful memories that suspend time, which are then gone again in a blink of an eye if one fails to appreciate the present moment.

My brave little explorer

May you always remain my brave little explorer and show me how precious the seemingly small things in life are when we take the time to notice them. Even if it's the tiniest ant crossing our path that you joyfully point it out to me it’s these small, significant moments that matter in the end.

Thank you for enriching our lives in every way possible and showing us the pure joy of living each day to the fullest.

Lots of love to you, my little snowboard girl

Your snowboard dad

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